Chauchilla Cemetery

Chauchilla Cemetery is a cemetery that contains prehispanic mummified human remains and archeological artifacts, located three kilometers south of the city of Nazca. The cemetery was discovered in the 1920s, but had not been used since the 9th century AD. The cemetery includes many important burials over 700 years.

For many years Chauchilla cemetery was looted by treasure hunters, who destroyed the place completely, taking away all the treasures the mummies kept in their tombs for centuries. Grave robbers just left behind the corpses, which can be seen today all over the ground. In addition to skulls and bones, visitors also can see several tombs centuries’ old, as well as long human hairs, ceramic fragments and others remains scattered on the dessert surface. It is the only archaeological site in Peru, in which ancient mummies are seen in their original graves, along with ancient artifacts, dating back to 1000 AD
